I mean even the church acknowledges that Christ was not born on December 25th!! I don't know if it comes with age, experiences, or income but I find I am more synical even inspite of having children whom look forward to the day... or at least the day of receiving gifts!
I just seem to remember a day that had more innocence. The commercialization was so blatant and in your face. Hip-Hop or "Rap" albums actually tried to maintain its theme. Run DMC actually rapped about Christmas in Hollis Queens, NY and actually put elf's and Santa in their video (for real). It didn't seem cheesy at the time it seemed sincere and genuine.
With that said, I'm still appreciative of a day regardless of its transparency, where we can still think adn reflect on the important thing in life like family and giving. I just think that some of us should spend the day or some days within the season giving the thing we all value most time. Try volunteering your time at a shelter, try spend the night handing out warm outter... And don't forget to bring the kids especially if the whine or feel some sort of entitlement about receiving their Christmas gift.