Sunday, December 16, 2007

Snow + Party = Home

As 2007 draws to a end, mother nature feels the need to show her fury with some hefty snow fall and cold temperature. This automatically means that urban club goers are staying home virtually flopping every party that is schedule for this weekend.

Now, I big up our party scene and on many occassions, I have even defended our party scene with blind faith but I definitely have to acknowledge the chink in our armour, the Krptonite to our super powers, the weak link in our chain... bad weather.

As soon as there is a hint of rain or snow the livelihood the club industry becomes in jeopardy! As many of the parties that I play at have a strong black girl demographic rain and snow melt away there desire to have a good time forcing them to stay home. As if to say the instead of moisture desemintating from the clouds it actually balls of fire that will burn and scar you!!!?!!!?!

Now, I'm not saying risk driving in dangerous weather conditions but c'mon peoples!!!

I would like to invite you to challenge yourself, the next time you plan to go out and one of these 'surprise' weather conditions, such as Snow in Canada, mysteriously pop up on the same night as a good party... I challenge you to overcome this obstacle and attend the party despite the chance of a snowflake landing on your head, causing a sponteous combustion into flames.


Saturday, December 1, 2007

Dream Into Reality

Its November 30th and I sit here unemployed, broke with Christmas looming, out of physical shape and I'm still holding my head high.

I'm not delirious or sufferring from any forms of dementia (at least not that I know of) and I'm not Captain Underachiever, I'm just enjoying chasing my dream.

I could have mad loot and a job that I'm garaunteed to retire from and I would be as happy as I am now chasing my dreams. I've been called a dreamer many times and I believed it was intended to be an insult but to me, its a compliment.

Right now, I'm gonna continue to dream until it becomes a reality, and I dare you to convince me otherwise!
