January quickly draws to a close... and we may be feeling the crunch of those December Christmas gifts that are popping up on credit card statements, the harsh reality of those already broken New Years Resolutions or seasonal sadness from a schizophrenic winter.
--But As we get so wrapped up with self-pity, disappointment and frustration let's take a moment to put things in perspective.
Asides from the extra pounds that we have resolved to lose, in a ridiculous amount of time from the extra helpings of turkey over the Holidays-- we are relatively healthy.
Our Canadian economy is the strongest its been in years and apart from the occasional cry for sovereignty in Quebec we don't live in a war-torn country!
The drastic climate changes have not come as any surprise, as we've been driving 1 to 2 persons to a car per commute for years now-- so this was predicted, foreshadowed and accelerated
by the one person we can't run from... the man in the mirror.
So when we step back and pause before we routinely complain about something that we think should be better-- Remember it always could be worse!
Let us appreciate the simple joys such as, family and friends. The free things like when your child smiles while having fun playing games. Or the sights and sounds of a good hearty laugh from one of your friends as you casually tell them an anecdotal story of what happened to you on the weekend. And maybe we even appreciate the small things like when your partner instinctively takes time out of their day to check up on you, because you were on their mind.
I'm telling you it is those small free things, that we should really appreciate because nothing on this planet is guaranteed... and those things (not the monetary) that will determine a good life.

And by that definition... it's a GoOd LiFe!